Showing posts with label Marine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marine. Show all posts

Bigfin Squid article collection

Bigfin squids ae rare body shape with long tentacles cephalopods. They live only in the deep sea. Therefore observing in their natural environment is not a easy task. Here I found fantastic articles about Bigfin Squid. Read and enjoy !!

Thank you for reading..

Glory of water locations in the Earth

We drink it, we wash it, we swim, and we are even made. Water is essential to all forms of life.
So why not stop for a few minutes just to watch?
Because in addition to being we so essential, it may as well be sublime , and simply enjoy our very eyes. 
Between feelings of peace, calm and serenity, water supply to us through this series of pictures a breathtaking spectacle . At a time when it is valuable and where it should be saved, I suggest you to admire the beauty without moderation.

Discovery of the walking sharks in Indonesia

Indonesia researchers have discovered a new species of shark "Speckled Halmaera", which belongs to the species of sharks sculpin. Its particularity? this species moves through its fins!
The Speckled Halmahera is distinguished by its brown appearance of scattered black spots . Two specimens were captured by the team Geral Allen , researcher and biologist Western Autralian Museum .
This species has no legs but do not swim so far. they move their body and stirring relying on their fins located at the chest and pelvis. These sharks are not very large (about 70 cm) compared to other sharks of the same kind.

Observed at 10 m depth in the warm waters of the Molucca Sea, off the Indonesian island of Ternate, it could according to the research team, they attend sandy and rocky bottoms in waters more deep. At the moment there is nothing to say whether this species is present in other parts of the globe.

Read also- Lemon shark-The fascinating life of the species

20 most amazing beaches in the world

I take you for a ride today on the beaches of the most incredible world . By "incredible" hear "special". It is not here to list all the white sand beaches, but to list those places that have that little "something" more. 
Far, far away from these beaches crowded and boring, so instead here to seaside destinations most unusual.Sable multicolored geological treasures and many other surprises await you. One thing is for sure, none of these beaches will not leave you indifferent.



CORALS - Paradise of the Marine Environment


Corals are invertebrates , cnidarians , which include hard corals , soft , sea pens , gorgonians , hydroids , sea anemones They share similar structures : a central mouth, tentacles ; cnidarians also possess nematocysts ( stinging organs) , which allow them to capture their prey.